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You are receiving this email because you asked to be informed of new content posted to the MLTAWA website (http://www.mltawa.asn.au). The articles below have recently been published. Please click through to access the entire posts.
AGM The MLTAWA is delighted to invite you to join us at the upcoming AGM, Breakfast and Networking session, Awards and Commemoration event either in person or via Zoom. The face-to-face session will be taking place at the Novotel Perth Langley on November 18th. The draft agenda for the day is as follows, the final agenda will be sent out prior to the event …
AAAE’s Forum Three 2023 will be held on Tuesday 14th November 2023 and will focus on providing an update and summary from our recent meeting with Commonwealth Education Minister, the Hon Jason Clare MP, and our attendance at the recent Ministerial Reference Group focusing on “The Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System,” which will advise Education Ministers on …
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