Welcome to Languages Teachers WA

If you are teaching languages in Western Australia, this is the place for you.

We are excited to announce that we will be bringing Gianfranco Conti to Perth for a LTWA professional learning event on Saturday 3 May. Gianfranco Conti is the author of many best-selling books for language teachers  and is internationally renowned for his popular award-winning blog ‘The Language Gym’ whose mission is the dissemination of current research in a language that is accessible to classroom practitioners. Click HERE for more information.

Membership renewal!

A reminder to all members that membership is now due for renewal!

Please click HERE to renew for 2025-2026.

Wednesday Webinars!

A fortnightly webinar will be held after school on Wednesdays. The next webinar run by LTWA’s own Moya McLauchlan will be held on 19th March. This session will provide teachers with strategies to practise student listening skills. Click on the picture below for a link to the Zoom session. Please note that the session will only open at 3.30pm on the 19th March.

A sneak peek at some of the upcoming sessions can be found HERE.

Events calendar

Term 1
27 February Sundowner
Wednesday Webinars
19 March – First We Listen
2 April – Cognitive Load Theory
Term 2
Wednesday Webinars
30 April – Chat GPT + AI
28 May – Positive behaviours for learning
Major event
3 May – Dr Gianfranco Conti
Term 3
4-10 August – Languages Week
Term 4
21 November – Annual General Meeting

LTWA Sundowner 27 February 2025 at the Subiaco Hotel.

Yes, we had fun catching up – and eating, and drinking and chatting. See all the photos.

Latest news from the Annual General Meeting 23 November 2024

Our Corporate Members:

Lingopont is an award-winning publishing company who make resources for Italian and Japanese. You can visit their website HERE.

World Strides is an Educational Student Tour organiser. They organise and plan a number of tours for students to experience the language and culture in-country. For more information click HERE.