The Modern Languages Teachers’ Association (MLTAWA) Inc. values the important role that principals play in advocating for Languages.

This award acknowledges school leaders who have shown long-term commitment to their Languages program and promoted Languages within the wider school community. The award was initiated by former MLTAWA president Fulvia Valvasori, and was launched in November 2015.
Previous winners include Timothy Bamber (2016), Chris Booth (2017), Milanna Heberle (2018) and Paul Bottcher (2019) and Brother Ridhwan Mayze (2020), Dr Hua Li and Benjamin Lomas (2021), Graeme Watson (2022) and Paul Jones (2023).
Languages teachers and other members of the community are encouraged to nominate a school principal who would be a worthy recipient of the award. The award consists of a certificate, a trophy and $400 to contribute towards the school’s Languages program. The name and merits of the winner will be published on the MLTAWA website.
Languages teachers are encouraged to nominate worthy principals from mainstream and community language schools. The invitation to nominate is also extended to all members of school staff and the wider community, including parents, students and members of affiliated organisations.
- Previous nominees are eligible for renomination.
- The nomination must address all selection criteria (listed below).
- The nomination must be made by two nominating people, one of whom must be a current financial member of MLTAWA. Their current membership will allow access to the members section of the MLTAWA website where they can access the online nomination form.
Selection Criteria (to be completed by those nominating)
The selection criteria have been aligned with the AITSL Professional Practices 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the Principal Standards. The recipient of the MLTAWA Principal’s Award must have shown that they:
- support and promote the teaching and learning of Languages. This could be evidenced by, but not limited to, allocating time on task to allow for effective learning, seeking out and recruiting quality languages teachers rather than itinerants, providing adequate resources and space for language learning, and supporting the use of Languages assistants;
- support initiatives and innovation in language learning that maximise student engagement. The principal is willing to be guided by Languages staff on ways to enrich their Languages program;
- develop self and Languages staff. The principal continues to deepen understanding of Languages education, and encourages and supports professional learning opportunities for Languages staff;
- promote multilingualism by engaging and working with the wider community.
Nominations close Friday, 14 June 2024.
Selection Process
Stage 1
- Nominators complete an electronic nomination form by the due date. The main nominator must be a current financial member of the MLTAWA. The second nominator may be a non-MLTAWA member and be a member of the school staff or the wider community, including parents, students and members of affiliated organisations. At this stage principals may not be aware that they have been nominated.
- The MLTAWA Principal’s Award Selection Panel meets to select up to five shortlisted candidates who best meet the selection criteria. This panel includes at least two representatives of the MLTAWA Committee and a community member who has a connection to Languages education.
- The shortlisted nominees are informed of their nomination and are required to submit a statement addressing their personal beliefs and values in regard to Languages education, as well as a current photograph. This statement, in its entirety or in part, may be made public by the MLTAWA to further promote Languages education.
Stage 2
- The MLTAWA Principal’s Award Selection Panel meets for a second time to decide on the final winner.
The MLTAWA President will invite the winner, and their nominators, to be a guest at the High Tea to be held on Friday 2 August 2024, where the winner will be announced. For more information, please contact Marisa Schiavi, MLTAWA Immediate Past President, at [email protected]
Please consider nominating a worthy principal for this award to recognise their support and commitment to Languages education in Western Australia.