The SCSA is running two Meeting WACE Requirements 2019 seminars aimed at teachers of languages
· Tuesday 19/02/2019 (12:40PM – 3:30PM) – Languages courses
· Wednesday 20/02/2019 (9:00AM – 11:50AM) – Interstate Languages courses
Further information and registration are available on the SCSA website.
The seminars are designed for: schools that are offering a Languages course for the first time in 2019; schools that are reintroducing a Languages course for the first time since 2015; teachers delivering one or more WACE courses for the first time in 2019 (e.g. graduate teachers, teachers who have not previously taught Year 11 or Year 12, teachers whose past experience has been interstate or overseas); new school leaders.
Please direct any enquiries directly to the SCSA.