To submit your school’s Family by My Side entries:
- Complete the entry form below. Please submit 1 form per language.
- Upload the Video Files (below the form). Please ensure the files are named in the following format: Abbreviated school name, language and family category. E.g. Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, Italian, Primary siblings category = Hogwarts_Ital_Primary
- Upload scanned copies of the signed Student Declarations (below the video upload).
Please upload your school’s Side by Side video entries below. Ensure that the file format is either mov, mp4, avi or m4v. You can upload multiple files. The maximum file size permitted is 200MB (per file) – less than 100MB is recommended for ease of uploading.
Upload scanned signed copies of your school’s Student Declaration Forms below. You can upload multiple files. Supported file types are pdf and jpeg.
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”2″ uploadpath=”/uploads/Family_by_My_Side_Competition_Submission_Page” uploadrole=”all” uploadpatterns=”*.pdf,*.jpeg” createpath=”true” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/userdata/filelist/message” uploadtitle=”Upload Declaration Forms” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”[email protected]” notifyheaders=”Family by My Side Declaration File Upload” notifysubject=”Family by My Side Declaration %userdata1%” notifymessage=”This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded. The file is attached.%n%%userdata1%%n%%filename%%n%%filepath%%n%” attachfile=”true” widths=”plugin:1000px, filename:500px, filelist:500px, userdata:500px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”School Name|t:text|s:left|r:1|a:0|p:top|d:Please do not include apostrophes in school name” gdrive=”true” gdrivepath=”MLTAWA/MLTAWA – Competitions/2020/Family by My Side/Declarations/%userdata1%”]”]