News from the AFMLTA

February 2023

Happy New Year!

We hope that everyone has had a positive start to the year!

Executive officers of the AFMLTA are looking forward to working with you all again this year, and to many languages educators coming together for the conference in Perth in July.

As the peak body for languages educators in Australia, AFMLTA is once again looking forward to working with the MLTAs in each state and territory to continue to provide vision, leadership, representation, advocacy, professional learning and support for quality teaching and learning of languages in 2023.

The elected Executive officers have already begun working on AFMLTA’s strategic initiatives for this year and beyond. Our strategic plan is available on our website.

Register now!

Date: 7-9 July 2023

Venue: Mt Lawley Campus, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA

Registrations: Open now! Follow the link below

Program: See information about confirmed speakers

Partnerships: Visit our conference website for information

Register here

Interested in presenting?

Teachers and academics interested in presenting a paper on classroom based research or innovations in language teaching are invited to submit a proposal via the Submissions page on the AFMLTA website.

Please note carefully the submission guidelines.

We look forward to your submission!

Submit your proposal here

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