Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Please note that this page is a working document. The roles and responsibilities of committee members will always be governed by the Constitution of the MLTAWA (access it here) and the Working Rules (access it here). This page provides a synthesis and further elaboration of the roles and responsibilities outlined in those documents. The MLTAWA Committee is comprised of the Executive Committee (President, President Elect/Immediate Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer); up to 5 non-executive members; a representative from each of the Single Language Associations (SLAs). SLA representatives do not have voting rights at Committee meetings unless they are also elected Committee members. The Committee meets approximately five (5) times per year and more often as required. One of the 10 committee members acts as membership secretary.

The Executive Committee:

The Elected Executive of the committee is the governing body of the MLTAWA Inc. to which all committee members are answerable. It is entrusted with the tasks of:

  • coordinating and conducting the business of the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • appointing an auditor;
  • determining MLTAWA Inc. policies;
  • approving constitutional amendments;
  • approving the date, place and theme of the next MLTAWA Inc. State Conference;
  • determining the amount of honoraria to be made available for elected officers.

As the governing body of the MLTAWA Inc., the Executive may determine any issue affecting the MLTAWA, Inc. and may refer any matter to the elected committee for determination and action in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and Working Rules of the MLTAWA Inc. The elected officers conduct the business of the MLTAWA Inc. between the Annual General Meetings, are answerable to the Executive and are required to ensure that decisions of the committee are implemented.


The President has ultimate responsibility for carrying out all decisions of the Committee and complies with the constitution, signs or delegates the signature of all instruments, documents and correspondence on behalf of the Association; presides over Committee, annual, ordinary and special general meetings; represents or delegates Association representation before other bodies and undertakes other duties as determined by the Committee. More specifically, the President:

  • performs all tasks specified for the President in the Constitution;
  • presides at meetings of the Annual General Meeting;
  • ensures that the business of the MLTAWA Inc. is conducted in accordance with the Constitution and Working Rules;
  • represents and speaks for the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • actively leads the preparation of submissions and grants;
  • promotes the interests of the MLTAWA Inc. and Languages learning and teaching in Australia whenever and wherever it is appropriate to do so in accordance with the specified object and functions of the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • submits annually to the meeting of the AFMLTA National Assembly a report on the activities of the MLTAWA Inc. for that year;
  • submits annually to the MLTAWA Annual General Meeting a report on the activities of the MLTAWA Inc. for that year;
  • contributes regularly to the MLTAWA website as a means of communication on the activities of the elected officers of the MLTAWA Inc. or on any other matter for which information has to be distributed to membership rapidly;
  • represents the MLTAWA at National Assembly, Conferences and events or nominates a representative
  • liaises with other state language bodies and other MLTAs;
  • is responsible for ensuring the induction process of newly elected officers, working closely with the President Elect/Immediate Past and Vice-President.

The President has a casting vote at the Annual General Meeting and at any committee meeting.

The President Elect or Immediate Past President

  • performs all tasks specified for the President Elect / Immediate Past President in the Constitution
  • represents the President if the President is unable to attend meetings etc.
  • (the President Elect) with the approval of the Executive is responsible for establishing a theme and will assume the role of Conference convenor and lead the Conference sub-committee
  • (the Immediate Past President) provides historical context to issues that arise
  • coordinates the MLTAWA Awards (Hilde Dixon and Principal’s Award) disseminates information on the awards to all members annually, manages the nomination process for these, collates the nominations and calls for members of the Executive to form the judging panel and chairs the judging panel
  • disseminates information on the PTCWA award to all members, manages the MLTAWA Inc. nomination for the award, attends the awards ceremony
  • attends PCTWA meetings as representative of the MLTAWA Committee
  • provides support and advice to the President if requested

Vice President

The Vice-president assists the president in the above duties; substitutes for the president as required and undertakes other duties as required by the Committee. More specifically, the Vice-president:

  • performs all tasks specified for the Vice-President in the Constitution;
  • represents the President if the President or President Elect/Immediate Past President is unable to attend meetings etc.
  • chairs the committee meeting if the President or President Elect / Immediate Past President is unable to attend
  • maintains a systematic review of the Constitution and Working Rules and publishes updates as necessary
  • promotes the interests of the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • may speak for the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • assists in the preparation of submissions.


The Secretary manages correspondence; establishes and maintains general correspondence files; circulates a written record of correspondence inward and outward for Committee meetings; keeps, publishes and authenticates minutes of Committee, annual and special general meetings and establishes and maintains the register of members, or supervises its maintenance where the duty is delegated to another person and undertakes other duties as required by the Committee. More specifically, the Secretary:

  • performs all tasks specified for the Secretary in the Constitution;
  • conducts the correspondence of the MLTAWA Inc., keeps records, administers the day-to-day business of the MLTAWA Inc., maintains a correspondence register and keeps copies of all correspondence in a day file and content file and tables the correspondence register at the following meeting of the Annual General Meeting;
  • updates and reminds Committee members and SLA representatives about meetings and issues the agenda for meetings of the committee at least two days prior to each meeting
  • finalises and uploads the minutes of all committee meetings within one week after each meeting on Google Drive and shares link
  • finalises and emails the minutes of the Annual General Meeting to the membership within one week of the AGM
  • calls for nominations for officers of the MLTAWA Inc. prior to each Annual General Meeting where elections are to be held under the Constitution; The call for nominations and nomination forms shall be published on the MLTAWA website
  • checks the PO box and deposits sent cheques
  • assists in the preparation of submissions
  • submits any changes to the Constitution made at the Annual General Meeting to the appropriate entity (Department of Commerce) within the required time limit (usually one month).


The Treasurer protects members’ funds from misuse and misappropriation; ensures that members’ funds are used as directed by the Ccommittee; establishes and maintains a general funds account and such other accounts as may be decided upon by the Committee; presents itemised income statements to each regular meeting of the Ccommittee and undertakes other duties as required by the Committee. More specifically, the Treasurer:

  • performs all tasks specified for the Treasurer in the Constitution;
  • presents an itemised income and expenditure spreadsheet at every committee meeting
  • submits to Annual General Meeting proposed amounts of honoraria, capitation fees and subsidies;
  • prepares a proposed budget within one month of being elected for the running of the association;
  • provides advice to the elected officers on the financial position of MLTAWA Inc.;
  • is a member of the conference subcommittee and presents a budget to determine costings and within a month of the conference will submit an actual budget to assist with planning of future conferences.
  • may speak for the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • assists in the preparation of submissions.

Specific Non-Executive Roles:

These roles may be combined (e.g. Membership Secretary & Web Officer) or specific duties from various roles shared amongst committee members (e.g. writing post-event reports; coordinating MLTAWA events) .

Membership Secretary

  • sends out electronic membership renewal communication to members;
  • updates membership records and provides monthly membership updates to SLA presidents and MLTAWA Inc. president
  • liaises with treasurer regarding payment of membership dues;
  • provides the subscriptions manager for AFMLTA with spreadsheet of mailing details of current MLTAWA Inc. membership for distribution of Babel.
  • provides membership data to AFMLTA.
  • provides ongoing maintenance of the database

Web Officer (Webmaster)

  • maintains the MLTAWA Inc. website
  • liaises with the President before uploading and removing material.
  • observes international protocols in relation to management of the site;
  • develops policy and design of the site, including appropriate protocols guaranteeing user privacy, subject to the approval of the President.
  • liaises with the Professional Learning Officer to facilitate effective publicity for the services of the MLTAWA Inc. and establish online registration process for events;
  • solicits and selects articles for publication.

Professional Learning Officer

  • considering a range of venues for social/PL events, collecting information and making enquiries; and securing venues by making bookings;
  • arranges the biennial state conference;
  • coordinates additional professional learning opportunities;
  • promotes professional learning events through MLTAWA social media networks;
  • liases with SLAs for joint professional learning opportunities;
  • organises catering for large events (NB: coordinating of catering may be shared with other committee members)
  • collects and develops reports on conference and professional learning evaluation data.

Promotions Officer

  • leads the implementation of any promotional plans or membership recruitment drives developed by the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • publicises the MLTAWA Inc. its events and the services it offers via social media including the MLTAWA website, Facebook page and Twitter account;
  • actively seeks to raise funds through such promotional activities as approaches to philanthropic bodies sponsorships, requests for donations, competitions, the sale of materials and services, or any other appropriate activity;
  • solicits and selects articles for publication
  • may speak for the MLTAWA Inc.;
    Any promotional activities must:
  • be approved by the Executive;
  • be in accord with the Constitution and Working Rules of the MLTAWA Inc.;
  • as far as possible complement and not compete with activities of the AFMLTA or SLAs.

Advocacy Officer

  • promotes awareness of the issues facing Languages teachers in WA;
  • liases between members, SLAs, and other agencies regarding advocacy issues in WA Languages education;
  • provides information and updates to the Committee regarding Languages education advocacy and current policy/initiatives;
  • leads the preparation of submissions regarding Languages education advocacy;
  • contributes materials for the MLTAWA website regarding advocacy;
  • encourages discussion among membership on advocacy issues via MLTAWA group/public Languages in the Mainstream Facebook page).

Website Editor

  • writes articles for publication on MLTAWA website (with approval of President/Executive);
  • solicits and selects articles for links/publication on the website;
  • designs posts/pages to promote upcoming events, liaising with individual event coordinator to collect required information/creates graphics for the event;
  • attends events and takes photographs and reports on website (post event) OR seeks out and appoints a temporary editor/reporter;
  • encourages more members to publish and provide reports for publication;
  • ensures a high standard of writing and graphical representation through process of proofreading (at least one other Committee member).

General Committee

  • assists the Committee with roles/responsibilities as required.