Take the plunge: Learn a new language!

Get ready to get people hooked on language learning! “Take the plunge: learn a new language” is the first public forum of the Languages in the Mainstream project to encourage and facilitate people to start learning a new language.

Take the plunge: Learn a new language!

When: Tuesday 1 November 2016

What time: 5pm-7pm

Where: State Library Theatre, State Library of Western Australia, Perth

There are lifelong advantages to learning another language. And here’s the proof…

We’ll show you how having more than one language can provide a better start to life, broaden your career prospects and – yes – even give you a healthier old age.

  • Cognitive benefits – for a brighter brain, learn another language and give your brain function a physical workout – you’ll boost your ability to focus, learn and problem solve.
  • Economic benefits – want to add a competitive edge to your career or business? One language is nowhere near enough in today’s global market.
  • Social benefits – multilingualism isn’t just valuable for practical reasons like boosting your career options — it’s great for improving your social life too!
  • Health benefits – Stay sharper for longer with another language. Medical studies have shown learning a second language significantly delays the onset of many brain related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and all other forms of dementia.


  • Kate Reitzenstein, MLTAWA President
  • James Heath, UWA Masters of Engineering student
  • Athanassia Iosifidou, English as a Second Language teacher
  • Hon Dr Mike Nahan, Economist, State Treasurer and Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
  • Heather Thorne, Alzheimer WA Educator

REGISTER NOW for this free public forum via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/take-the-plunge-learn-a-new-language-tickets-28417387170?aff=es2

Languages in the Mainstream is a partnership project between the MLTAWA and the Office of Multicultural Interests. Comprising of a series of public forums and initiatives to promote language learning and celebrate our society’s cultural and linguistic diversity, the project will culminate in the state-wide acknowledgment of Languages Week 7-14 August, 2017.

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