Teaching with Comprehensible Input

Here is a message from Kathryn Tominaga, President of MLTAQ about an exciting PL opportunity available to our members, a three-day conference in Queensland during January 2017.

In Queensland there are a number of teachers who have trained in the TCI (Teaching with Comprehensible Input) and TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) methods for Languages teaching and, as interest is growing, a new network has now been formed within the MLTAQ for those interested in learning more about this method. The TCI Network’s first major event will be a three-day conference, presented by Dr Terry Waltz from the United States, to be held from 14th-16th January, 2017.  Members of your associations are eligible to register at the reduced rate for members with early bird registrations closing on 18th November.

If you have any queries about the conference, please contact the TCI Network Convenor, Ian Perry at [email protected]

Kind regards,

Kathryn Tominaga
Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Queensland

[gview file=”http://mltawa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/TCINetworkJanConference.pdf”]

[gview file=”http://mltawa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/TCIConf2017RegistrationForm.pdf”]

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