mltawa-logo-320pxThe Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia Inc. (MLTAWA) provides a common voice for language educators in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions from all systems and sectors in Western Australia, on state and national issues. The MLTAWA facilitates communication and cooperation between language educators and promotes study, critique, research and instruction in the field of language pedagogy, teaching methodology and linguistics. The MLTAWA is the peak professional body representing teachers of Languages throughout the State and is also the incorporating organisation for ALTAWA, CLTAWA, JLTAWA, TAGWA, WAATI, WAMGLTA and WILTA. The MLTAWA is affiliated with, and has representation on, the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers’ Association (AFMLTA).


  • To promote the learning and teaching of languages;
  • To provide opportunities for the strengthening of networks and professional identity through the exchange of ideas, information and expertise among members;
  • To seek improvement in curriculum and assessment provisions of second language teaching by negotiating with and providing expertise to appropriate groups and institutions;
  • To provide political representation for the languages teaching profession;
  • To publish and circulate to members information on professional matters and
  • To engage in other activities which may seem appropriate to further the aims and objectives of the Association