Join LTWA for 2025-2026

Join LTWA for 2025-2026

Tax invoice and membership form

The Modern Language Teachers' Association of Western Australia Inc.
PO Box 1443
West Leederville
WA 6901

ABN: 58 722 602 420

The MLTAWA Inc. is not registered for GST. No GST will be charged.

MLTAWA Membership (New)

How to join

  • Complete the form below.
  • Use an unique email address for each membership.
  • Pay online using your PayPal account or credit card or direct bank transfer (EFT). PayPal or credit card are preferred (MLTAWA absorbs the processing fees).
  • Please note that if you pay by EFT there will be a delay of up to four weeks in processing your membership (PayPal/Credit card is instant).
  • A receipt/tax invoice will be emailed to you automatically once payment is confirmed.
You can join as many Single language associations (SLA) as you wish. Please select MLTAWA membership and then add the SLA/s that you wish to join. Each SLA membership has an extra $30 fee. Membership details are passed on to SLAs periodically throughout the year. There may be some delay between joining MLTAWA and having your SLA membership confirmed.
Make sure that you ticked the MLTAWA box as well as the SLA/s!
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Please make sure to use the exact same Name and Surname for every payment/renewal. If you use a different name, you may be creating duplicate accounts.
Membership Information
Our database uses email addresses to identify members. Please use a unique email address.
The email address of the person who will make payment (may be the same or different to membership email contact).
A backup email address if you have one (e.g. home email).
If not currently employed, enter 'none'
Please complete this field if you work in a school.
If you chose "Other" as the language you are currently teaching or qualified to teach, please specify the language/s here.