2022 – Graeme Watson, Comet Bay Primary School
2021 –
2020 – Brother Ridwan Mayze
2018 – Milanna Heberle, Rossmoyne Senior High School
2017 – Chris Booth, Willetton Senior High School
2022 – Graeme Watson

2019 Principal’s Award – Paul Bottcher

Mr Bottcher was nominated by Esther Blood and Erin Pavy who highlighted how Paul has demonstrated a commitment to Language teaching and learning across several schools in Western Australia over the course of their career and shows genuine support for, and interest in, the Languages program. Paul uses phrases in the target languages to congratulate students and speak with their Language Assistants.
Paul empowers his Languages staff by recognising their capacity and by providing them with opportunities for professional development to develop as leaders and enable change, contributing to a very positive morale and increased motivation within their Languages Department.
‘I hold a firm belief in the value of Languages education in that it leads to a holistic education.
It gives students the ability to engage in languages other than their own, engaging in and appreciating a culture and helping to develop and appreciate not only their own culture and history but also the key to other worlds. Engaging in Languages education builds confidence and skills in students as they develop mastery but also gives them new skills and abilities in the use of their English Language.‘ Paul Bottcher
2018 Principal’s Award – Milanna Heberle
Ms Heberle was nominated by Rossmoyne Senior High School Languages teachers Bee Yip, Kate Williams and Kyoko Walsh.
Photos: Marina Xiao & Jacqui Tan (Willetton SHS)
Rossmoyne has always had a strong Languages program, offering German, French, Japanese and Chinese as part of its Gifted and Talented program. By seeking out the very best, experienced language teachers Milanna has built up a diverse team of teachers and assistants, that works in a flexible learning space and adopts ‘out of the square thinking’ to timetable and deliver language learning. The judging panel commented that ‘by reaching out to other schools and providing support, Ms Heberle is growing the leadership qualities of her staff. Her willingness to be a learner provides a very powerful example to students.’ Milanna Heberle was also noted for her engagement within and beyond the school community to promote multilingualism.
‘My belief is that language education is not simply sitting in a classroom for two hours a week but rather exposing students to an authentic learning environment of different cultures and customs.’
‘Through the Lead Language Schools project I have worked with our languages staff to ‘think outside the square’ to conceptualise a plan to support primary schools in the roll out of languages education from Year 3.’
2017 Principal’s Award – Chris Booth
“I am a firm believer that learning of additional languages assists with developing communication skills and abilities in both the new language as well as the confidence and skills in the correct use of the English language.”
Chris’ achievements and support for Languages at WSHS include:
- A new Languages department building developed in consultation with student and staff and including nine teaching rooms and several break out areas where students and staff are able to work together.
- Ongoing negotiation with the School Board to determine appropriate budgeting for languages.
- Funding for special purpose projects, such as the Native Speaker Tuition Program, the Languages Hub program, where students in Year 6 from partner primary schools attend Willetton SHS one morning each week to learn Japanese as part of an academic extension program.
- Structuring the timetable to allow and encourage students to study more than one language.
- Leading teachers and students in the enhancement and development of partnerships with such external groups as The Japan Foundation, Italian Consulate, Korean Education Centre and Alliance Française – time and funding are devoted to students’ participation in activities arranged through these partnerships.
- Encouraging student participation in incoming and outgoing school trips and exchanges.
- Supporting the Languages department staff in their role as a Teacher Development School.
- Encouraging teacher participation in Professional Learning as a team and providing the funding/resourcing for this to occur.
- Leading the school’s annual Multicultural Week.