What are you planning to do? Some ideas from the MLTAWA committee.
- organise lunchtime karaoke in different languages
- have students create posters (either in English or target language or both) to celebrate their language learning by encouraging them to complete one of the following statements – Send your favourites to us and we will publish on the website ([email protected])ยท
- I love learning a language because…
- Learning a language has…
- Languages are important because…
- film students and staff saying a short introduction in their language – either the one they are learning or their home language, and putting them together to make a short film to show at an assembly
- display student languages work either in the school library or a public space e.g. local library or shopping centre (local schools can collaborate for a bigger display)
- share with the school community the number of languages spoken by the students and staff
- play card games or board games in the target language at recess or lunch
- conduct a class languages quiz
- give a short PA announcement each morning in a different language
- run a competition on your school intranet about languages which is open to all students to participate, give prizes at end of week
- a school-based version of Languages in Our Landscape (a display of photographs and descriptions) – can be judged by students and staff through a People’s Choice process
- practise tongue twisters in different languages
- play games that originate in other countries.
Languages Week ~ 5-9 August
More ideas available on the MLTAWA website here and here .
Resources published by OMI and the WA Museum for Languages Week 2018 are available here.