SCSA 2022 Pre-Primary to Yr 10 Moderation Workshop

Graeme Quelch 
(08) 9273 6758
[email protected]

Schools are advised that registrations have opened to participate in the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s (the Authority) Pre-primary to Year 10 Moderation – Moderation Workshops for 2022 for the learning areas/years listed below.

  • English Year 4 and Year 8
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Year 4 and Year 8
  • Languages Year 6
  • Health and Physical Education – Physical Education Year 6
  • Technologies – Digital Technologies Year 4
  • The Arts – Visual Arts Year 6 and Year 7.

The purpose of the moderation process is to work with schools and teachers to develop a comprehensive and shared understanding of the Achievement Standards in the learning area. The assessment task and marking key to be used in the moderation process has been developed by the Authority.

Teachers can register through the link below to participate in the moderation process in 2022.

The tasks are available to download from the Authority website. Please note an extranet login is required to access the Curriculum Support Materials for Year 4 and Year 8.


Moderation Workshops

Learning Area/Subject Year levels Moderation Task
English Year 4 Year 4 English Teaching and Learning Exemplar Appendix B – Picture Book Response

Year 8 Year 8 English Teaching, Learning and Assessment Exemplar – Environmental Citizenship through Analytical Writing

Humanities and Social Sciences (Geography) Year 4 Year 4 Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Exemplar Appendix C Assessment Exemplar – Geography

Year 8 Year 8 Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching, Learning and Assessment Exemplar – Geography

Languages – Chinese: Second Language; French: Second Language; German: Second Language; Indonesian: Second Language; Italian: Second Language; Japanese: Second Language Year 6 The tasks are available on the Authority’s website under Moderation/Pre-primary to Year 10 Moderation – Moderation Workshops 2022/Languages

Physical Education Year 6 The task, Basketball Skills, is available on the Authority’s website under Moderation/Pre-primary to Year 10 Moderation – Moderation Workshops 2022/ Physical Education

Technologies – Digital Technologies Year 4 Technologies: Digital Technologies Teaching and Learning Exemplar Appendix B – Superhero/Avatar and Appendix C – Program my Sprite

The Arts – Visual Arts Year 6 and Year 7 The tasks for Year 6 and Year 7, The Imagined World, are both available on the Authority’s website under Moderation/Pre-primary to Year 10 Moderation – Moderation Workshops 2022/ The Arts (Visual Arts)

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