2023 Competitions


Click onto the links below to take you to the homepage of each competition where you will find all the related information and resources.

Please note that there are some changes to the Terms and Conditions and eligibility requirements for 2023.

Let Me Tell You a Story, Let Me Tell You in My Language

Produce a bilingual text e-Book. Open to WA school-aged students who are bilingual or have a Cultural and Linguistic Diverse (CaLD) background. Community language teachers, Aboriginal language teachers, EAL/D teachers and/or AUSLAN teachers can encourage their students to take part in this competition or incorporate it into their teaching and learning programs in 2023.

Side by Side

Conduct a conversation in the target language with another student and record it on video. Open to second language learners from P-12 in WA mainstream Languages Programs. Languages teachers can incorporate this task into their teaching and learning programs and make one school submission per year group and language category.

MLTAWA Languages Live! Statewide Reading Time and Competition

The Languages Live competition was launched in 2021 and we are very excited to offer this competition again this year. All Western Australian Schools are welcome to participate. This is a new initiative that will allow metro and regional schools to come together to celebrate our multicultural society through Languages. And the best part of it is that the event is held live! The competition consists of a short reading in Language followed by a live quiz. Groups of four students will be selected for each language by their teacher to represent the school. However, we encourage the whole school to watch the event live and cheer their Languages Team on as they compete!