If you are here in our photo gallery, you were there at Wesley on Saturday. We would love to read your comments on the four terrific presentations by Natalie, Josephine, Simona and Indah whom we thank sincerely. What are you looking for in future PL from MLTAWA? Leave your comments below the gallery.

President’s report
Our PL event held 20 April 2024 saw an impressive turnout, with around 50 participants in attendance, including several representatives from the Nepali Language and Arts School. It was an enriching experience as attendees were treated to insights from four exceptional presenters, each offering unique perspectives on integrating imaginative texts into the Languages classroom.
Natalie captivated the audience with her discourse on utilising stories to deeply engage students, accompanied by activities designed to transport them into the narrative realm. Josephine introduced the innovative use of YouTube 360o videos, advocating for their role in immersing students in the cultural landscape of the target country and inspiring creative tasks, such as crafting advertisements based on scenes from the videos. Simona‘s session sparked contemplation on fostering inclusivity within the classroom through imaginative texts and the art of claymation, prompting attendees to reflect on diverse perspectives and modes of expression. Wrapping up the morning session, Indah showcased the versatility of a single text across different year levels, demonstrating how students can craft their own narratives infused with the rich tapestry of traditions and customs from the target culture.
The event concluded with Denisse being awarded the coveted voucher generously donated by Filipa from Le Toboggan, adding an extra layer of excitement and appreciation to the occasion. Special thanks are extended to Wesley College for graciously hosting the event and providing a glimpse into their exceptional Languages space, which served as an inspiring backdrop for our collective exploration and learning.
Colleen Barclay, President MLTAWA