Would you like your kids’ Italian background language to be certified and relevant in their academic career?
The Community School of Dante Alighieri Society of WA (DASWA) can help you with that in Year 11 and 12. Their team of TRBWA registered and qualified teachers will work alongside your children’s school by providing after hours ATAR intensive courses.
The whole year round and in both online and face-to-face modes.
Marks and grades will be communicated to the Authority through each student’s school and a mentor school when this is applicable.
The process is easy and straightforward. Your child must complete an online Application for permission to enrol in a WACE language course via the student portal https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au/home and submit it to the Authority to obtain approval for enrolment in our Background Language courses. With the Authority’s approval, you can then contact us to receive all necessary information and enrol (see contact details below).
The content of the Italian “Background Language syllabus” is organised in four units that students complete over the course of Year 11 and 12: Unit 1 and Unit 2 in Year 11, and Unit 3 and Unit 4 in Year 12. Alternatively, in case of advanced knowledge level, students can study Units 3 and 4 without having to complete Units 1 and 2.
During the year, the DASWA Community School will develop assessment tasks that meet the syllabus criteria and record a mark for each task. One grade (A to E) and one mark (out of 100) will be reported at the end of Year 11 for the pair of units and similarly in Year 12.
So, your children’s progress will count in the final school year achievements.
The final step is the external examinations for the Background Language, both practical (oral) and written that are set in Year 12 and held in a nominated venue in Western Australia.
The bright side of their efforts is that the score contributes towards the calculation of the students’ Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) used for university entrance.
If you want more information and instructions for their ATAR course 2023 enrolment, email Fabiana Padova, DASWA School Coordinator, at [email protected].