AISWA Professional Learning for Languages in July/Aug

Creating Rich Tasks in Languages

This workshop explores the features of rich tasks in language learning and will allow participants to design their own task for implementation to a specific group of learners. Rich and culminating tasks, combined with an inquiry approach, help to build confidence, connect students to the rest of the world, maximise engagement and allow for deep learning.

9am-3pm Thursday 21 July, 2023. Registrations close 15 July.

Early Years Language Learning

This workshop will present the principles and practices of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the new WA Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and explore ideas to integrate the framework’s outcomes into a Pre-K to Year 2 languages classroom in practical and engaging ways. There will also be time to plan and prepare a unit of work using these principles.  Read here for more information.

9am-3pm Thursday 17 August, 2023. Registrations close 10 August.

Intercultural Language Learning  

A full day workshop for language teachers to examine approaches to intercultural language learning and how to weave this learning into every lesson. You will be inspired to move away from the traditional approach of “family, food, festivals and folktales” in teaching culture to ways that engage and motivate your students.  Read here for a summary of the workshop in May.

9am-3pm Thursday 24 August, 2023. Registrations close 17 August. 

Communicate, Create, Collaborate: Using digital technologies in the Languages classroom

A whole day workshop providing teachers with the opportunity to explore a range of digital technologies that are suited to second language learning. Participants will have the opportunity to explore a range of apps and platforms for communicating and creating digital media in the target language. This will be the final time this is offered.

9am-3pm Friday 22 September, 2023. Registrations close 15 September.

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