2014 MLTAWA State Conference

Join us for the MLTAWA Biennial State Conference!


Review, Revise, Revitalise on 06 September @ Murdoch University

The theme “Review, Revise, Revitalise” is designed to prompt participants to reflect on and evaluate past and present policies, practices, and approaches to Languages education and to dream for the future. Presentations and sessions will feature research on, strategies for, and models of best practice for engaging students and highlighting the excitement that comes from communicating in another language.

The conference proper will be followed by a Sundowner and Conference Dinner. MLTAWA members are invited to attend all three events, or any combination. Partners are also welcome to attend the dinner.

 Draft conference programmeSession informationRegister now!


We are grateful to Murdoch University for hosting the 2014 conference. The keynote and plenary presentations will take place in the Brian Hill Lecture Theater, located in the Education & Humanities building (E&H). Concurrent sessions will be held in the Teaching and Learning Link, next door to E&H. Then, join us for the Sundowner in the Staff Common Room!

Keynote Speakers:

Professor David Reeve has written on Indonesian politics, Indonesian language, and Australian-Indonesian relations. David retired from his position at UNSW in July 2006.

Professor John Hajek is Professor of Italian and a linguist in the School of Languages and Linguistics at Melbourne University. He has held research fellowships in the UK and Australia.

Concurrent Sessions:

  • Assessment for Learning: Raising standards and closing the gap (Kate Webster-Blythe)
  • What’s Happening in Languages? An update on WACE 2015/16 and the Australian Curriculum for Languages (Nadia Civa and Lisa Djanegara)
  • School Trip Round Table: Advice and tips on conducting an overseas language study tour
  • Explore the Language Learning Space (Jill Wilson)
  • Signing on at Last: The development and implementation of a formal Auslan curriculum in WA schools (Dr Karen Bontempo)
  • Senior Secondary and Beyond: Learning Indonesian In-country (Eko Widodo and Liam Prince)
  • Life in the Anglobubble: Rethinking and reframing languages and languages education in the English speaking world (Prof John Hajek)
  • Language specific sharing sessions, Pecha Kucha style.

…and more!

 Draft conference programmeSession information

Single Language Association: Special Pecha Kucha Presentations

Single Language Associations (SLA) members are invited to give a Pecha Kucha style presentation to their colleagues. SLA members in attendance (and guests!) will then vote on which presentation should be re-presented to all members attending the Sundowner. This “jigsaw strategy” will enable members to review, revise, and revitalise within their SLA groups in an informal yet fast-paced way! Pecha Kucha is a lot of fun and a great way of sharing ideas and practice with colleagues without the pressure of a stand-alone session.

For more information on Pecha Kucha, check out the ‘official’ page http://www.pechakucha.org/ or the Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PechaKucha.

Language Teacher Examples

Contact your SLA President if you wish to give a Pecha Kucha presentation. MLTAWA-only members please contact [email protected]


Postponed from earlier this year, we are pleased to announce that the MLTAWA Sundowner will be held immediately after the conference. MLTAWA members are welcome to attend the sundowner without attending the conference (and maybe even join us for dinner too!). Please register for the Sundowner for catering purposes whether you plan on attending the conference or not.

The Sundowner is an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues; catch up on the latest news from MLTAWA and the various SLAs; see the best Pecha Kucha presentations from the conference; peruse the trade displays; and maybe even win a door prize!

The Sundowner begins at 4:30 and will finish at 6:00 in the Education & Humanities Staff Common Room.

Conference Dinner

Join us for a delicious Indian feast at The Copper Chimney, South Fremantle, immediately after the Sundowner (approximately 6:30pm). The Copper Chimney is one of the best Indian restaurants in Fremantle and they will be preparing a special set menu (suitable for both meat-eaters and vegetarians!) for $50 per head. The restaurant is fully licensed and drinks may be purchased at the bar (no BYO).

Address: 330 South Terrace, South Fremantle, 6162

Partners are welcome but please register them using the form linked below.

Registration Fees:

MLTAWA Members (Early Bird until 20 August) $ 150.00
MLTAWA Members (After 20 August) $ 180.00
MLTAWA Country Members $ 150.00
Students (proof of student status must be presented upon request) $ 150.00
Non-members (why not join MLTAWA first to receive the discounted rate?) $ 260.00
Sundowner Registration (free for members but please register for catering purposes) $ 0.00
Conference Dinner @ The Copper Chimney, South Fremantle (approx. 6:30pm) $ 50.00

Register now!

We look forward to seeing you at the conference, sundowner, and/or dinner on 06 September. For more information, please contact [email protected]. For sponsorship and trade display enquiries, please contact [email protected].