Call for Papers: Language & Cultures Network for Australian Universities 5th Biennial Colloquium

CALL FOR PAPERS: 5th Biennial Colloquium of LCNAU

Deadline: 10 June 2019

Conference: 27-29 November 2019, University of Western Australia

The Fifth Biennial Colloquium of the Languages & Cultures Network of Australian Universities will be held at the University of Western Australia on 27-29 November 2019.

Confirmed keynote speakers are: Charles Forsdick (Liverpool), Joseph Lo Bianco (Melbourne), Jakelin Troy (Sydney).

“Exchanges: people, knowledge, cultures”

The movement of students and staff is an inherent part of language learning. The benefits of such exchange flow in both directions: language learners encounter a new set of linguistic and cultural parameters through which to make sense of the world and the ‘native speakers’ of that culture also benefit by encountering those who are entering their language and culture from different and often challenging perspectives. The two-way exchange of linguistic competence and cultural knowledge – between Indigenous and non-Indigenous, teachers and students, international students and Australian hosts, Australians studying abroad and their overseas hosts and contacts – is enriching to all and a key contribution our disciplines make to building a better world.

LCNAU invites abstracts and panel proposals from scholars, practitioners, early career researchers and postgraduate students. We especially invite contributions relating to the following areas:

•   Indigenous languages: description, maintenance and use

•   Motivation and language learning

•   Language and culture nexus

•   Language and identity

•   Technology in teaching and learning language and culture

•   Models and approaches in teaching and learning language and culture

•   Language testing

•   Language and society

•   Language acquisition

•   Language policy

•   Translation and interpretation

For full guide to submissions procedure and details about the conference, please see the conference homepage:

For enquiries, please contact the Conference Chairs:

John Kinder, Italian Studies, UWA [email protected]

Nicola Fraschini, Korean Studies, UWA [email protected]

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