Languages Week 2020

Languages Week 2020 is 3rd – 8th August. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits of language learning, highlight the linguistic diversity in our community and celebrate the work of our students and teachers in primary and secondary schools and community language schools.

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate and promote Languages Week within your school community:

  • organise lunchtime karaoke in different languages  
  • film students and staff saying a short introduction in their language – either the one they are learning or their home language, and putting them together to make a short film to show at an assembly
  • display student languages work either in the school library or a public space e.g. local library or shopping centre (local schools can collaborate for a bigger display)
  • share with the school community the number of languages spoken by the students and staff
  • play card games or board games in the target language at recess or lunch
  • conduct a class languages quiz
  • give a short PA announcement each morning in a different language
  • practise tongue twisters in different languages
  • play games that originate in other countries.

Further resources and inspiration can be found here. We encourage members to share Languages Week ideas and success stories on the MLTAWA and LitM Facebook pages.

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