The Languages Week Competition Launch was a free public event held at Perth Modern School on 2 March. The session provided information about how to enter Languages Week competitions, network, and catch up with the latest in Languages education.
There are four competitions for this year’s Languages Week and there something for everyone! Click onto the links below to take you to the homepage of each competition where you will find all the information and resources you need to take part:
Let Me Tell You a Story, Let Me Tell You in My Language
Produce a bilingual text film or e-Book. Open to WA school aged students who are bilingual or have a background in a language other than English. Community language teachers, Aboriginal language teachers and EALD/ESL teachers can encourage their students to take part in this competition or incorporate into their teaching/learning programs in 2017.
Side by Side
Conduct a conversation in the target language with a classmate and record it on video. Open to second language learners from P-12 in WA mainstream school programs. Language teachers can incorporate this task into their teaching/learning programs and make one school submission per age/language category.
Languages in our Landscape
Submit photographs from your landscape/environment which represent the diversity of living languages in our community. Open to all WA school-aged students.
Languages as a Life Changer
Provide email or online written responses to interview questions about how language learning has changed your life. Open to any WA resident of any age group.
Don’t know how to produce a film or e-Book? No problem – you can book into our Term 1 (1 April) and holiday (11 April) workshops and we’ll show you how.
Languages in the Mainstream is a partnership project between the MLTAWA and the Office of Multicultural Interests. Comprising of a series of public forums and initiatives to promote language learning and celebrate our society’s cultural and linguistic diversity, the project will culminate in the state-wide acknowledgment of Languages Week 7-14 August, 2017.