Call for Papers: 2018 Conference

The Curtin University School of Education and the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (MLTWA) invite papers for the 4th Biannual Conference on Applied Linguistics / 2018 MLTAWA Biennial State Conference to be held at Curtin University 20-21 July 2018. The conference is designed for teachers and pre-service teachers of Languages and EALD, students of Linguistics and academics. The theme of the Conference is ‘Making Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) Work in the Classroom’ which we would like to explore from a variety of local, national and international perspectives, and provide a balance of theory and practice. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an approach which offers students opportunities to actively engage in communication in order to achieve a goal or complete a task. TBLT seeks to develop students’ interlanguage through providing a task and then using language to solve it.

Keynote speakers for the Conference include:

Professor Rod Ellis

Dr Lindy Norris

Associate Professor Paul Toth

Associate Professor Craig Lambert

Professor Krishna Sen will present the Nick Norris Memorial Lecture on leadership in Languages

We welcome submissions from practising language educators at all levels of education, researchers, pre-service teachers and postgraduate students, as well as others with a languages focus for the concurrent sessions. Please use the following form to submit a proposal for a session. If you have multiple proposals, please repeat the process.

Submission form

Submissions closed 31 May, 2018.

Click here for information about keynote and concurrent sessions.

Register now for the Conference!

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