In Memory of Anita Chong

This weekend we heard of the sad passing of respected colleague Anita Chong, OAM. On behalf of members of the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia, I send ou...

Adventures with gallery critique

Andy Tharby (Twitter: @atharby) is a Teacher of English in the UK who keeps a blog at He writes regular posts reflecting on his teaching pr...

Committee Members

If you’re seeing this post, you’ve probably clicked on the “Committee” title in the top menu and you probably meant to click on a link in the drop-down men...

What’s next?

Find out about upcoming events, network meetings, and professional learning opportunities.

2013 Breakfast & AGM: Photo Gallery

The MLTAWA Annual General Meeting was held over breakfast at Frasers Restaurant in Kings Park on Saturday 23 November. What a fantastic venue! With the view of the city spread out...